We needed a campaign to launch BB Seguros, an insurance company that was born huge and with one mission: protect people's futures.
BB Seguros believes that those who plan the future live better lives. To translate that concept into one theme, the tagline "For every future" was created and launched with an institutional film.
︎︎︎ Menta PPG
︎︎︎ CW: Rodrigo Sanches
︎︎︎ AD: Kleber Campioni
︎︎︎ CD: Rodrigo Moraes
︎︎︎ VP: Flávio Casarotti
But each person sees the future differently. And BB Seguros is here to protect all of them equally. The next step: to create a film for each product offered. For each insurance, a different briefing. And to every briefing, many futures.
The idea was to use everyday situations in a fun way to show all sorts of future possibilities. Because no matter what is the next goal in life, what matters is that BB Seguros has a solution to help you get there.